Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Taylor Swift Soaring Butterfly

It's highly unlikely Taylor Swift will be slowing down any time soon. This young,vibrant most sought after country music darling keeps on shining, in previous weeks Miss Swift was named entertainer of the year and recently crowned artist of the year. With a fragance line, hallmark deal, the face of Cover Girl among her music career much more is in store for Taylor. In 2012 Taylor will come animated in the animated film The Lorax and will begin on a new album. Taylor Swift is a savy buisness woman with the right balance of normalcy it's not wonder people are inspired by her and not only from her country music peers, the general public love this girl and how can you not? Taylor Swift will continue to shine in all avenues of life. Taylor is the exception to the rule, you can never be too young or too old to rock out, live free.

Musicans On Call

Kellie Pickler and Casey James recently sat down with The Nashville Country Club and discussed their role on helping Musicans On Call which is an organization for children who battle cancer. This is the 4th year of Musicans on Call and helps raise funds for children and their families who live with the battle of cancer. Both Kellie and Casey have many endeavors to fullfill musicially and professionally coming up in the next couple of months. These two wonderfully talented people will have much to celebrate coming up in the new year. Expect to hear more from Kellie and Casey at the Nashville Country Club and see the video of the interview right here.
Musicans On Call