Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day A Message Of Freedom

  ~*~Labor Day Message ~*~

Though we're coming to the end of summer, kids going back to school, mom and dad packing lunches, heading off to work. There is something to always remember the people who shape our lives, those who leave an impact and inspire us, to those who are our every day hero's.
On this Labor Day when you're celebrating with family and friends remember who laid their lives on the line for us, the sacrifices they make to keep our country still free.
Our soldiers, troops, veterans and military depend on us to remember them.
Their labor of love isn't free, we can help them be free and come home where they belong.
We can do so much as a country, together make a huge impact.

Visit the USO, Help Hospitalized Veterans, Wounded Warriors Project in how you can get involved and make them feel free this Labor Day.


Help Hospitalized Veterans

Wounded Warrior Project