Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Jessica Northey of Country Music Chat Takes Fans Into A Twitter Chat With Lee Brice Monday Oct.21st

Country artist, songwriter and musician Lee Brice is a triple threat in country music, with the hit singles
 "A Woman Like You","Hard 2 Love", "I Drive Your Truck" and his newest single "Parking Lot Party" one 
may feel threatened by his success, however that is not the case. Brice may not perform every song he's ever written or produced he sure has a good grasp on career and reality. As real and honest as Lee Brice is he sure stands firmly on who he is mistakes and all. In Monday night's +Country Music Chat ~ #CMchat+  twitter chat hosted by country music social media "IT" girl +Jessica Northey.  Brice and Northey bring the best out in each other on a professional level it's hard to fathom these two not getting along. On the contrary these two are much like two peas in a pod. What you see is what you get!
Northey asks Brice some hard hitting questions, though livens it up at times without the boring effect, among community fan questions from the fans themselves. Though at times questions and answers are run through quickly without a breath to stop and catch I was unable to comment on every fan question asked to Lee. With a possible couple community fan questions from Northey  and one that mainly come to mind is, what is your favorite Lee Brice song and why? As an answer I would give honestly is having a personal connection to the lyrics of a song and that one song is Hard 2 Love, I have my quirks and flaws yet still can be hard to love. Brice's easiness is as comfortable as it would be just being with family. Lee Brice is more than a country music star he's a pretty normal guy, down to earth and quite laid back.

Did you miss Monday night's twitter chat with Jessica Northey and Lee Brice?
Get the entire interview and chat right here.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 1: How did you get started in country music?
LB A 1: I decided it was what I wanted to do with my life and moved to Nashville.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 2: Was there ever a plan "B" or did you always want to be a musician?
LB A 2: Honestly music was always where my heart was.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 3: Who has had the biggest influence on your career?
LB A 3: That's a really hard one I have had a lot of really influential people in my life, but my parents, gospel, and Garth Brooks were a really big part of my beginnings. But I will say I just went to a Bruno Mars concert recently.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 4: What is your biggest pet peeve when you are on the road with other musicians?
LB A 4: I don't really have one. I'm pretty laid back.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 5:  How do you decided which songs to keep or give to another artist?
LB A 5: I write so many songs a year so there's plenty to go around but if one is just magical or personal I keep it. Although  I've given a few away that were tough to part with.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 6: What is your greatest accomplishment so far in regards to your career?
LB A 6: As a performer nothing better than the crowd singing back to you which isn't really on paper. It may not be my biggest accomplishment but it sure feels great every night.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 7: When your not doing music do you have any hobbies?
LB A 7: Spending time with my family. I don't get much time at home so when I do I try and make it special.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 8: What is something most people would be surprised to learn 
about you?
LB A 8:  I was in PentHouse magazine for the album launch and I was really worried my momma would be disappointed.

Jessica Northey #CMchat Q 9: Best advice you've ever received from anyone in the music industry and who was it?
LB A 9: Never stop loving it. From my friend and long time producer Doug Johnson.

#CMchat Q 10: What would you want fans to leave #CMchat knowing about you?
LB A 10: I'm real, I'm fun, and I'm real Fun!