Saturday, October 27, 2012

Time With Taria

Photo Courtesy of SplashMatter &

Rising star out of Nashville Taria continues to move forward in what  promises her longevity in country music, her charm sass bold approach with her down home country roots has it! In our first interview chat I can honestly say how endearing she is, her southern twang is sweeter than a glass of sweet tea. Taria's musical passion rings true for performing and for the love she has for her family, her warm personality glows. To most Nashville natives and  those in and around the surrounding area pursuing a career in country music all have one goal in mind, making it, the competition is stiff, the talent is endless. From the local bar and club scene is where it begins for many. Taria is no stranger to the stage, her first gig came at the tender  age of 12 performing with Del Reeves at the Ernest Tubb Midnight Jamboree, who later debuted on the Grand Ole Opry stage at 15 introduced by icon and idol Lorrie Morgan. Taria later went on to perform with the legendary Vern Gosdin at the Palace Theater. Did you know then this was what you wanted to do as your career? "I knew long before that special night that being a singer and entertaining people was all I ever wanted to do. I tell folks I've been singing and performing before I could speak complete sentences(with a laugh) haha! Music has always been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was in the 4th grade, I remember lugging my books in one hand and my karaoke machine in the other to school because my teacher Mrs. Sherry Groves would let me sing for the class at the end of the day. I think about that now and it makes me laugh!" Of the many experiences growing up in Nashville unlike many who initially move to Nashville to pursue a career in music, do you think it's harder for local performers than others or is it fairly equal? " The music industry is such a tough business, I don't see any big advantages being from Nashville other than I've had folks who've supported me and took me to perform at different places when I was young. I guess one advantage being a Nashville native was getting the opportunity to visit backstage at The Grand Ole Opry often and really be able to watch and learn from all the greats in Country music". The Grand Ole Opry has given many artists that feeling of them truly making it, they have arrived. The Grand Ole Opry has shaped you into a seasoned professional Taria. Country isn't country without having The Grand Ole Opry as your go getter.  Clearly you have the right people in your life supporting you, Lorrie Morgan has been an influential person through out your career, has she given you any words of wisdom to live by? " What I have gotten from Lorrie is watching and learning from her on stage, I have learned so much from her mannerisms and how she connects with her audience speaking clearly and slowly when she's on stage. I always try to enunciate my words so people can understand me when I sing as well as talk". What a voice you have, you certainly raise the bar on a vocal level among other artists, do you feel you have to compete with them?  "There are some great singers out there, I like to challenge myself vocally. I like to surround myself with great singers and musicians. I feel that when you work with better people then it makes you better, I love to watch someone be great at their talent. I don't look at it as competition, I just do what I do and fave fun; I watch, listen and learn".  You really have a way with people and I see that in you how grateful and appreciative you are with others, you have a very kind heart. Is there another side of you? " Well, that's nice of you to say,really I'm just a down to earth girl who loves people and have compassion for others. It takes a lot to make me mad (with a laugh) haha!  I treat others as I would like to be treated. I believe being kind and helpful to one another is very important in anything you do. My mom and dad raised me that way". Oh yes, I truly sense that in you Taria, I believe it shapes you into the person you are. Did you miss out on having a childhood starting out at such a young age?  "I did miss out on some things, but overall I had a good childhood. At the time, I really didn't think about it because I loved performing and singing so much, I felt like I was lucky to have the support to be on a stage at such a young age. I was home schooled from the the 8th grade on because of my music. I didn't get to go to prom, but I've always said my big prom night will hopefully be the CMA's someday (with a big grin)". I believe you'll make it there, everything happens for a reason,even if it takes as long as it does, you reach a time and place when all things come together. You recently released your first album, what has been the most exciting moment you've had since the release? "Other than actually having my album in my hand, listening to it on the big speakers for the first time all the way through, knowing it was complete and how hard I worked, that was special. It's also been a huge thrill to watch when I perform my songs "live", how quickly the audience gets into it catching on to the lyrics and start to sing along with me, that is such an amazing feeling! I'm hoping to see this record do well and touch a lot of people". Well, you certainly have touched me Taria, I continue to feel blessed to know you, the person you are; you're beautiful inside and out. You're voice has touched so many in so many ways I can only image the stories others have shared with you. Have you experienced any crazy fan moments yet? "A guy took off his shirt and asked me to sign his bare chest, that was pretty unexpected ( laughing) haha!  You really have put in a great deal of work into your career, I always say hard work pays off. How exciting is it for you to finally realize that all you're hard work paid off? " Well, having the record done is a great relief. I'm very excited about my album but the hard work never stops when you're trying to promote yourself and get your labor of love to your audience. It's difficult without having the money and a big label behind you to market yourself. My fans have been truly amazing! Yes they are Taria, I'm so amazed how loyal you're fans have been, any country fan in general. In this genre fans are super supportive, truly devoted. This album, Everybody Wants Some is pretty diverse musically, it's quite unique, do you feel you picked the right songs for your first album? "I believe I have, absolutely picked the right material for my first album, and let me say I'm fortunate to have such talented songwriters trusting me to sing and interpret their songs. Proven successful songwriters Mark Nesler, George Teren, Rivers Rutherford, Tony Martin, Tom Shapiro and Jennifer Hanson; I'm so grateful to all of them for allowing me to even cut their songs. Have you ever considered writing your own material or would you rather depend on a songwriter to pen material for you? "I'm gonna tell ya, you wouldn't want to hear anything I write (with a big laugh) hahaha!!!  For me the best song always wins in the end, I think I'll stick to letting the true songwriters do what they do, this way I know I'll always be able to bring my fans the best songs I can get my hands on and the one's that truly speak to me. That is well said, songwriters have that special magic to tell a story, I really aim at telling the best story or bringing the best information to people, it makes that connection so important. Lastly, if this all went away tomorrow what would you do? "I will always be doing music on some level, it's my passion. Singing and entertaining people is all I've ever known and wanted to do. It's like breathing to me". I know that passion so well Taria, carrying that around in your daily life has a great deal of importance to you. One's passion in life can really help others aspire to follow their own dreams. I can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy schedule to chat with me. Bringing your music to the fans is my greatest pleasure and I can only hope and pray you make it to the big time.

You heard it fans, Taria is the next big thing to come out of Nashville.
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