Saturday, September 14, 2013

Super Country Cowboy Doug Briney Exclusive Interview

Photo Courtesy of Doug Briney, Doug Briney Music, MTS Management

When you think of cowboys you vision rough riders, smoking gun, dust and grit, that is not the case with Alaskan cowboy Doug Briney who picked up his life and family to move to Nashville, Tennessee a little over a month ago. Briney is the complete opposite of a rough rider. Poised, relaxed and laid back Briney is anxious to release his Tate debut Super Country Cowboy to be nationally released November 5,2013. In our brand new interview Doug and I talk country music, the album, what made him decide to move to Nashville and a growing career.

Before getting a word in edge wise, I was happy to talk with Doug again, like most artists, independent or mainstream it is the person behind the music who enriches an interest me. Personality and character, Doug Briney by  heart and soul has the comfort of a southern man through and through, his words flow effortlessly and Doug jumped right in. " It seems as if it's been a long time coming but it really isn't, it just seems that way to me. We started in February with the tracks. In May I did the recordings, and we went from there ". "I'm very excited about it"." It will be a real step up in quality and what we're doing with the marketing of it."  In talk of his Tate debut Super Country Cowboy Briney explains. 

You're taking a new approach with you're style and sound on Super Country Cowboy, do you think fans will like this new approach?
I'm performing these in live shows, the responses from the fans in the crowd have been positive, their feedback on these songs are divided one of them being Believe and the other two being Pretty Big Deal and Super Country Cowboy, their connecting to these songs on the level I'm connected to them. Folks are really enjoy it.

Did you have much of a decision on picking the songs for this album?
I had a lot of decision in it, on the first album I listened to over 300 hundred selections to listen and choose from, it was narrowing it down to ten, four of them were covers at the time that I wanted to do already, Michael (Michael Stover , MTS Management) my manager listened through I don't know how many on this project and sent the one's he felt would fit my voice over in my direction. There were those I felt personally connected with.It was still quite a process. Eugene Fuguay I feel especially excited about. Randy Owen from Alabama had the song on hold for three and a half months, it wasn't even a demo at the time it was a work tape, he heard it, put on hold and the day he released it, his manager contacted Michael in regard of listening to it. I love the story of the song, it was so different. The song itself reminds you of the story line of Reba's The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia, I just really felt connected. There were a number of patriotic tracks as well, when I heard them they just didn't fit, it wasn't until I heard Unknown Solider, I knew I wanted to record it. I was really hands on involved with the entire selection of the album. The Money the Gun and the Bible yet another track I felt a personal connection to.  When I'm performing these songs they sound believable because of the connection I have with them.

Did you know much about Tate Music Group before you were signed?
No I did not, I didn't know much about Tate Music Group before I was signed. Michael contacted me, we weighed through options what Tate had to offer. We went to contacting a couple of the artists Tate is working with and had come to being pleased with the outcome what others were saying about them. I have to say they have been a great group to work with, from Acquisitions to all the way down to now, Joe Reese, to marketing, Don Johnson in production, not Don Johnson the TV actor, he used to travel with Emmylou Harris, he's a musician in his own right. I'm pleased every step of the way with Tate. It's been very well communicated along the lines of the album. I'm really excited with the overall product of it.

Since the move from Alaska to Nashville what has been the most challenging for you and you're family?
I roll with the punches pretty easily. The first week in Nashville we went through a number of issues from the kids going back to school, to renovations of the house, you name it. There are a number of challenges, we don't really see it as a challenge it is how we can get things done, figure it out and move on from it. Why waste your energy when you can find a solution to it.
The biggest struggle is the humidity, Alaska weather is either dry or very cold, we're adjusting. What ever life throws at us we're up for it.

Do you feel there have been more opportunities for you career wise?
Yeah, well, I was blessed to perform at a showcase in the heart of music row recently and have had a couple other opportunities to also perform around the area. That was the first one though , it was incredible. I have a couple other things coming up, one in Cookeville, a couple of shows and CD signings, one in Henderson the Chester County Fair to a bunch of other events coming up. We have several things in the hopper, it is really shaping up.

Someone such as Doug Briney enjoys what life has to offer without slowing him down in the process. Whether it is moving from Anchorage, Alaska to the heart of country music to traveling performing for fans. Doug Briney has a way about him that is truly remarkable, his go getting attitude, his philosophical point of views, it is no wonder I support Briney through and through. His journey is yet unfinished, it is simply beginning. "I'm not a spring chicken anymore, I'm a risk taker at chance. I feel this is where I need to be. I think Super Country Cowboy will be that boost to get me to the next level. I don't take it lightly and not for granted, I appreciate the opportunity I've been given". Spoken real and authentic Doug Briney will be around for a long time.

For more in Doug Briney visit his official website and follow Doug on Twitter and Facebook.

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