Saturday, February 9, 2013

Maggie Rose Discusses New Album Cut To Impress

Photo Courtesy of  Loud Mouth Entertainment

It's perfectly certain Maggie Rose has a clear path set ahead and what has come from it an album she calls her own. The highly anticipated debut album Cut To Impress at press time is scheduled for release March 26,2013. In our new interview we discuss the album, songwriting, Maggie's sound and Maggie herself. I say country music is just the place for Maggie Rose.

You've inspired so many with your first single "I Ain't Your Mama", have you seen your fan base grow since it's release this past year?  Oh most definitely, from touring to radio and  for country radio's support and introduction of the song has reached to so many of my listeners,it's been a really great journey. It's a great introduction into what you will get from the album.

When you began  to work on this project did you already have a clear idea how you wanted the album to sound? Preachers Daughter one of the first I had in co-writing had this swampy, sultry,bluesy vibe, the band and I wanted to go sassy with the arrangements, so with that in mind the band and I had felt this is what we wanted to go with, stepping out of the box a bit creating this album on so many different levels. You'll get blues and soul with the country sound. It will actually set this apart from other stuff you're hearing right now.

Did you learn anything new about yourself through the process? Oh,Absolutely!  Working on your first album you want to come across approachable and connect to the fans who see you perform these songs live. The band and I really worked together to incorporate so many elements to every show, the audience picks up on those things, they see that, it's my responsibility to be myself and project what I'm about.

 The album title is Cut To Impress, how did you come up with the title? It came from  the Mostly Bad song I wrote, there's a line within the song that fits to my personality and sound of this album, it really gives it this unique edge.

Were there any tracks you were personally connected to? Yes, absolutely! I have to be, Preachers Daughter especially, it's a fictional story that was inspired of what was going on at that time in my life. Oh yes, I remember the telling of this story during the Chicks for Picks event last October, thank you for the reminder Maggie, your welcome Shellie. 

Did you write much of the material yourself or did you co-write? To this point I've wrote several songs.I co-wrote half of the material you'll hear on the album, working with Candy Cameron who wrote "I Ain't Your Mama", she had at hand in co -writing "Better" another track that will be on this album, I found myself especially connected to this song, it's really amazing. I've worked with Candy for awhile now, she's an amazing  songwriter who knows my style and sound. Her contribution to the album has been wonderful. You'll hear many elements from the ten tracks that were picked.

How excited are you to know this album is finally finished and to get it out there to listeners? I'm so excited and ready to get this out to the listeners. The work that has gone into this whole body of work from the writing to the packaging, right down to the artwork and photo shoot has nothing been but fun. The whole spectrum of who I am and what I can bring to this format of country music is so much a part of me. I'm so proud and excited it's come to this.

You heard it here country fans Maggie Rose is well on her way to define country music bringing her own spin on things and making it work.  Cut To Impress will certainly impress country listeners and bring a whole new vibe to country music all together, without a doubt country is country with so much soul.