Thursday, September 5, 2013

Getting Country With Tammie Davis

Photo Courtesy of Tammie Davis, Tammie Davis Music

In our first interview together Tammie Davis and I talk about Loretta Lynn, the traditional sounds of country music, the driving force behind a growing career, Marine life and NASCAR, yes NASCAR! North Carolina is the home state of NASCAR racing. The deep southern voice of Tammie Davis melts hearts, her infectious out going personality is simply contagious. It was a pleasure getting to know this local Carolina talent.

You're the absolute opposite of what country music is today, I adore the traditional sounds of country music, do you think this is what separates you from most country artists?
I think it does, for me It is what's real. What works for me might not work for someone else. Everything I perform comes out traditional, it is how I sound. I couldn't sing what is being played these days it wouldn't come out country. It's more distinctive, you know who it is when you hear it.

What was your first initial reaction when you heard you were opening for Loretta Lynn? Would you say this has been a highlight in your career at this point?
I was floored and yes, she is such an icon and came from nothing, built it from the ground up to where she is now. I've had a lot to go through, the similarities of her story and mine weren't much different, her husband has really been a force of nature in her career, where as mine drives me to continue my own path in music. It is hard for women in country music.The whole experience was nothing as I expected. Loretta didn't even know there was an opening act the night I opened for her, as she usually watches her openers, will come off her bus to watch. She was so apologetic to me, she gave me a hug, she really embraced the moment and kept apologizing.It was a moment I'll never forget.

Did you always know you wanted to sing country music?
Well, I remember thinking how am I going to get out of town. At the time I was at a NASCAR event in Charlotte interviewing a staff Sargent for a high school paper I was doing and what came from it that he was at this NASCAR event looking for band musicians. I look at him and said where do I sign up. He pretty much stopped me at that moment and said there is a process to sign up, asked me what position, there are several in the Marine Corp. I pretty much rehearsed every day, just practicing and practicing right up until the initial  audition. The learning process was a challenge and when I did audition was shocked, I didn't really know what I was doing, he had to show me, I was trained to read music. He learned I was a fast learner and passed me to sing.

What made you decide to serve as a Marine?
A recruiter was looking for Marine band musicians. 

Serving for our country comes with such sacrifice, do you feel it was worth serving?
From being in the Marine Corp band to basic training were well worth the experiences, the training involved alone was all that you did, your put into a room performing Jazz  music, in training you can't improvise jazz or piano, your taught keys and cords, before even going into it I knew piano and it's fundamentals, jazz though was different. Among attending classes and training I still had to do my Marine corp duties from field work to testing it was my job. 

Of all the shows has their been a favorite of yours? Do you have a favorite?
Opening for Loretta Lynn, It was a moment I'll never forget, I wasn't really nervous though my husband was. The crowd really got into it from my original material to the covers l I performed. At the end of the show threw in Rocky Top, if you watch the video from YouTube you'll see the crowd really getting into it.

When your writing a song do you find it easy to collaborate with other songwriters or do you write soley for yourself?
Being the artist that I am whatever needs to be done get's done, if I don't do it, it won't get done. I've written more this year. When I started writing with Kristy and Jen I felt an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. I don't ever really get excited, It was that moment in itself to write with a songwriter. Driving home afterwards rolled down the window and gave a fist pump, it was a fist pumping moment. 

Have there been times you felt like giving up?
What made you keep going?
I could have given up during the struggle. My husband was that driving force, reminding me what I'd be missing. It would be much easier to go back to a normal job. You think about it, I went through a rough spot a couple years ago, nothing was really happening, I could have given up, after a couple weeks realized I've worked too hard not to give up. I went back at it full force. It was all or nothing and I'd be angry with myself if I did give up.People  start to give up when the chips fall into place, it was just this year when things really took off.

What advice would you give someone who wanted to pursue music as a career?
You don't  have to be business minded but it helps to be, to know the business side of things.  Just to be thick skinned, how you present yourself, to having communication skills to every aspect of yourself. People pick up on those things. Be well rounded, don't stop and don't give up. There's plenty of room for improvement. Treat others how you want to be treated, what goes around comes around.

If you couldn't perform/sing what would you do?
With the knowledge I have of the business,realistically I could be an artists manger,I have this knowledge of the business side and how it works being at this for so long now Aside from the business I'm very creative, with the desire I could see myself living in the country owning my own antique shop.

Last, but not certainly least when you look back on the past few years what did you learn from the music business?
I can't really pin point it specifically,truth be told it is how much alike the country music industry and NASCAR racing are alike,I married into it. The marketing aspects, the networking with those in the NASCAR circuit, how a NASCAR driver became who they are, when they perform they're wearing their sponsors on his outfit. I've learned things about myself, my voice, to learning new things to the industry itself. My life experiences from being a pianist, to the military, to being a country artist, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I'm striving to be better at my craft in moving forward.

Country music has defined Tammie Davis though her southern roots, NASCAR, Military experience is who she is. Deep down she's philosophical, easy going, creative and loves God.
"I feel like this is what I'm suppose to do. God plays a role in it, I'm grateful", she explains. Though I love every aspect of interviewing an artist, getting to know them is much more of a joy to me. Tammie Davis is making her mark in country music her way, she's here to stay for the long haul.

For more on Tammie Davis, her music, tour dates, events, and more visit her official website.
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