Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Eric Paslay Ready For 2014 Album Debut

Photo Credit: EMI Records Nashville

For most songwriters it is being recognized for their writing and the artists who record the songs. In some cases songwriters become one's to watch not only for their musical ability to put words and pen to paper it is the voice that brings the song or songs a live on stage in front of an audience. Songwriter and entertainer Eric Paslay may have begun his journey writing  "Barefoot Blue Jean Night" a hit single recorded by Jake Owen
Eli Young Band's "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" to also penning  "The Good Life" for Donnie and Marie Osmond's new Vegas show, including Love and Theft's "Angel Eyes" and Joe Nichols "Baby Your In Love With Me". Paslay has co-written credits with artists Rose Falcon, Lady Antebellum to name among songwriters Dylan Altman and Terry Sawchuk.

It is Paslay's year making him one to watch of 2014, ready to debut his self titled album February 4,2014 featuring the 2013 hit single "Friday Night". Eric has written every track on this debut with the fine songwriters listed.

Paslay's most endearing quality is really taking account of the people he meets and making true honest connections. I say it is one quality I admire from a songwriter, artist, performer.Getting to know someone on that stand point is inspiring.

Want more Eric Paslay, pre-order the debut self titled album here
Eric Paslay - Amazon Music

Track Listing

Keep On Falling  written by; Eric Paslay, Matt Nolan and Skip Black

Friday Night  written by; Eric Paslay, Rose Falcon, and Rob Crosby

Less Than Whole  written by; Eric Paslay and Kenny Alphin

Country Side of Heaven  written by;  Eric Paslay, Dylan Altman, and Shane McAnally

Never Really Wanted  written by; Eric Paslay and Walt Aldridge

Here Comes Love  written by; Eric Paslay and Anthony Cappolino

Like A Song  written by; Eric Paslay and Jason Delkou

Good With Wine  written by; Eric Paslay, Jessi Alexander and Gordie Sampson

She Don't Love You  written by; Eric Paslay and Jennifer Wayne

Song About A Girl  written by;  Jessi Alexander and Gordie Sampson

Deep As It Is Wide  written by; Eric Paslay

Lucy Hale Sums It Up During Country Music Chat with Jessica Northey

Pretty Little Liars star, rising country star of 2014 Lucy Hale was so well received during her first live twitter chat via Country Music Chat Monday Jan 6th was hard to stay a float through the hour long chat. Among community questions that entered the forum host Jessica Northey had special guest Bethany Priest of BethanyOnAir fill in through out the session.The community questions were much random and spur of the moment through out and though I tried to stay on top of it all I was able enough to grab all the direct CMchat questions from Jessica herself. Lucy truly comes into her own as real as she is smart, funny and down to earth.

Did you miss the +Country Music Chat ~ #CMchat+  ?
Get the entire Twitter chat here and stay tune to Country Music City Promotions for One's To Watch in 2014.

CMchat Q1:  You actually got your start on reality TV singing show  American Juniors, how did you end up acting?
Lucy:  Being someone that's creative, I'm always looking for different outlets acting was a surprise interest along the way.

CMchat Q2:  What made you choose country music?
Lucy: It's what I grew up listening to, it's majority of what I listen to now. It felt genuine and felt like home.

CMchat Q3: When your not singing, acting, performing what do you like to spend your free time doing?
Lucy: I'm teaching myself to relax, reading, lounging, etc.

CMchat Q4: What have you learned from acting that you use for music?
Lucy: You have to tell a story or evoke an emotion when singing a song.

CMchat Q5: What have you had to "unlearn" from acting when singing/performing?
Lucy: It's nice to get to finally be myself. I don't have to hide behind a character, wardrobe or dialogue.

CMchat Q6: What is something you've always wanted to try but haven't?
Lucy: I'm not extremely spontaneous, so maybe sky diving... MAYBE!

Q7: What other singer/musicians inspire you and why?
Lucy: Cool thing about music is that you can find inspiration from anyone.

CMchat Q8: Do you have any hidden talents?
Lucy: I can shoot a bow and arrow pretty well and I can do a 3 leaf clover with my tongue.

CMchat Q9: What is your long term goal with country music?
Lucy: When I started this journey It was never for a hit single or one awesome album. I wanted it to be a lifetime thing.

CMchat Q10: What can fans expect to hear on your debut album?
Lucy: True sense of who I am, what I stand for, and a lot of fun. I wanted it to feel like a good time.

CMchat Q11: What is the best advice anyone has given you about country music and who was it?
Lucy: Simply to just be myself.

CMchat Q12: What you you want people to leave CMchat knowing about you?
Lucy: I just hope people see me with a fresh pair of eyes and ears and that I appreciate the support people have shown. It pumps me up!