Thursday, February 16, 2012

Madonna Nash Interview / February's Featured Artist

Featured Artist of The Month
Madonna Nash

photo credit: Mad Charm Records

The dirty little secret is out and it's Madonna Nash, country music's new rising talent. Nash's debut album features the hit single "Dirty Little Secret" and is charting success thanks to the fans,country music radio, music row; and yeah! it's a good thing. Country Music City Promotions has recently taken on it's first interview and yes it's Madonna Nash. Nash is simply a firecracker, nurturing, and down right easy going; she's my kind of gal. In all honesty,there's no comparison between Madonna Nash and pop icon Madonna, Nash explains, "it is what it is, she's a huge icon and very successful; what else can I say?" Now that we have that out of the way, I feel absolutely humbled of this first time experience. What it is really is bringing to you the fans the artist and we have it right here at Country Music City Promotions.  Throughout the conversation Madonna get's pretty silly and tells me what might surprise you fans, "I watch entirely too much TV, and I love cartoons", she says. I love this tidbit because I get myself wrapped up into too much TV and the only reason I watch cartoons is because I get asked to watch them with a 6 yr.old. As for performing Madonna has been singing for as long as she can remember, "It's all that I've ever known and It's been an absolute struggle, I have two children who are 7 and 8,  I'm just now at the beginning stages of a career as a new country music artist, you definately have to love what you do and have the courage to do something about it". I couldn't agree with you more Madonna, you truly have to love what you do, it's about making it happen. "This is a tough buisness to be in, luckily for me I'm surrounded by family and friends who believe in me and support me 100%",Madonna explains. What more Madonna tells me that she keeps things well balanced between career and family even when things get a bit out of hand, "It can get frustrating at times, but you have to have determination and dedication to keep moving foward. I always tell anyone who wants to follow their dream, the only thing standing in your way is yourself". Smart and wise you are Madonna. What more is that Madonna wants to tour and really get out there for her fans as the fans have really been super suportive of her music, " Dirty Little Secret is in the top 40 on the music row charts, and the video is getting airplay on CMT and it's sister station CMT Pure, we're confident, I'm ready to take this show on the road!" Madonna says so excitedly, and we're so excited for you Madonna. Don't out rule a tour in the future fans cause Madonna Nash is preparing to tour the east coast while the fire is going good. "I want to go as far around the world as it will take me". This is more than an excited artist, Madonna is just itching to get out there and perform all around the country for everyone. Country music has truly embraced Madonna, so I had to ask, how does it feel? "It's completely overwhelming, I think I have pinched myself so many times that my left arm is going numb", with a chuckle. "It's rewarding for me, being a female artist, to feel like I am finally being taken seriously in this line of work.  I think all artists want to be heard and be appreciated". Yes they do Madonna it's not easy to say the least.
It's difficult for female artists in this male dominated field,what have you done differently to separate yourself from the rest? "So glad you recognize this Shellie, it's just not about a pretty face, it's taking songwriting seriously, a way to express yourself, your true feelings  giving my voice to women who have experienced what I have, many who may not have the guts to really express themselves. To me I want to make a difference in someone's life. I want to move people, whether it be through my songs, from a performance or something as simple as "If I can do it, you can too type of thing, not to be a man hater, because I'm not; heck they make up half of my audience, and sometimes it's the man with a no good woman at home! I know there are plenty of men out there who know how to treat a woman, their just hard to find. When you find one, hold on for dear life!"You wrote or co-wrote most of the songs on your debut album, did you have a clear idea already at mind how you wanted it to sound? "I felt like it would have been a mistake to go into the studio and record only what would have fit into one small box, especially with this being my debut album. We had such a large catalog of songs that I had written to choose from at the time. So we went in the studio with open minds, and they just set me free in there. My goal was to present myself in the most honest light. I find that people respond more to the sincerity of an artist than just a commerical product". Oh most definately! That's what's most important,having that connection with other's, people can see through it,whether it's real or not. I get this as well, it's part of what we do. Are there songs on this album that people can identify with? "Definately, the story of my life is a big ole "Been there,done that" t-shirt. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out there", chuckling again. Now a days I hear many collaborating, who would you like to collaborte with if you had the chance? "I'm such a huge fan of Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, George Strait, all the greats! To sing or perform with any one of them would be a dream come true, but as of lately the most recent artists I have to say I'm a die hard Miranda Lambert fan as well as homeboy himself, Eric Church. I'm betting they wouldn't mind working with you someday. I love this about country music Madonna that we're all fans of these artists and support them all that we can, it's the respect and appreciation we have for them. You're going to have success, it's my instincts. Will we hear more music from you? I'll never stop writing and will never stop performing, so as long as the fans keep wanting more I'll give it to them. I want to have the opportunity to continue making records, yes, always". It was so wonderful to sit down and talk with you Madonna, thank you for all you're time and please do keep on creating great country music.

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