Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Maggie Rose

Photo Courtesy of Maggie Rose, Maggie Rose Music

Her name is Maggie Rose,although most might recognize her as Margaret Durante, she is the same person make no mistake of that despite the hair color change and new look. A spitfire gal, Maggie Rose calls the shots, she's making sure of it. For a young twenty-something Maggie has it all together, her confidence, self assured, level-headed, fun, flirty attitude will have you taking notice, and the voice matches the girl. The soulfully bluesy traditional country sound Maggie possess makes for great country music in the contemporary world of country music these days. Maggie's brand new single "I Ain't Your Mama" sums it up, telling her man to get it together, no woman wants to baby her man. The feisty country rock infused song will have you singing along in no time at all, it's the hook that will catch you.
"I Ain't Your Momma" will make it's radio release debut June 25th.

Want to have "I Ain't Your Mama" on digital download?
Get the song on i-Tunes and Amazon
I Ain't Your Momma i-Tunes 
I Ain't Your Momma -Amazon

Join Maggie Rose online on Facebook
Maggie Rose Music - Facebook 

 Follow Maggie Rose on Twitter
Twitter @IAmMaggieRose 

Maggie Rose on YouTube
YouTube - Maggie Rose 

Are you heading out on the road for 2012 Country ThrowDown? See Maggie in person, she'll surprise you!


Dylan said...

I was a fan of Maggie before she changed her name to Maggie even though that is her name. Everyone should check her out her voice is amazing!

Anonymous said...

She does a great live performance, too, with her 7 piece Maggie Rose band.