Friday, July 20, 2012

Shy Blakeman Interview

 photo courtesy of the official website Shy Blakeman
Country Music City Promotions design

What many might not know Shy Blakeman truly has heart, he's wise beyond his years an old soul at that.  His love and passion for music run through his veins and it shows. The winner of Billy Bob's Honky Tonk Recording Contest 2012 has been on the road throughout most of the year performing for you the fans. Shy has taken time out of his busy schedule to sit down with me for his first interview here at Country Music City Promotions with many to come in the future.
I feel blessed for any opportunity to interview an artist,the connection is more than a sweet moment in the spotlight, I'm not one for sugarcoating, it's simple as this,the love for great music.

Shy, you really sing from your soul, where does all the passion come from? That's a tough question, It comes from a place deep inside, you can't really explain it,either it's there or not.

Did you always know that this is what you wanted to do? Yes!

Was there ever a time when you felt like giving up, what kept you going? There were times,yes this could have all gone away,I've had to sacrifice a lot, I've had to streamline this path I chose. The passion really keeps you going.

In this business you have to be thick skinned, what hurts the most getting told you're not good enough or your music isn't what people want to hear? Either people will like you or they don't,they don't have to listen to you, I get this all the time, I've had to look at it this way, people will criticize you, there are people who are closed minded they don't see it happening so they'll put you down. You just have to let things roll off your back. It hurts but that is what keeps you going for what your passionate about.

Has your family been supportive of your career choice?  It's taken years for them to realize this was my dream,my dad was a musician, he knew what it was like,they were fairly supportive at first now a days their more supportive than ever.

Aside from performing and making music, do you have any hobbies? There really isn't time to do anything else these days with a busy schedule; visual art, history studies, philosophy.

TV reality has given performers many opportunities, did competing on Nashville Star give you the push you needed to get where you were going? What came out of  competing was making relationships with the other contestants, learning what I needed to make a go at this, yeah it did.

You worked with Miranda Lambert on the song "Crying In Your Sleep" who as well competed on Nashville Star how did the collaboration come about?  I had the music written with the lyrics and it needed another person, without a partner the song wouldn't have made sense. I asked Miranda and she jumped on it. Growing up our families lived close by to one another, we traveled together for shows. It was a no brainer not to have her on the song.

What advice would you give someone who wanted to pursue a career in music? Disregard others opinions,make what counts, risks are worth taking even if it means taking the long road, it's lonely, you eventually get there.

Who have been your biggest influences? I've always looked to the musical style, the message and performance of an artist such as Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, John Fogerty and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Lastly, what's been the biggest highlight in your career at this point? I've opened for Bob Seger above all highlights and winning the Live @ Billy Bob's Recording contest.

Shy you continue to bring the best out in yourself and in all you do, the best is yet to come. I'm so happy to be there a long the way, I appreciate all that you do and appreciate the music your bringing to the fans.

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