On a chilly October evening while most are at home relaxing watching TV breast cancer survivors, cancer survivors and country music fans came together for one special night to bring to light the importance of breast cancer awareness. Akron's Country 94.9FM WQMX Your Station! Your Country! hosted the charity benefit Chicks For Picks featuring country artists Maggie Rose, Lauren Alania and Jana Kramer. Stories were shared and memories created from the live event held at Tangiers event and entertainment center in Akron, Ohio Tuesday evening October 9,2012 to a sold out crowd of men and women of all ages. All three young ladies graced the stage close enough to reach out and touch you and that they did, evenly enough shared their own stories of the songs they performed during the live event.

Quickly Maggie, Jana, and Lauren took to the stage at once, personality and host of Wynn and Wilson In The Morning Scott Wynn welcomed quests who encouraged all cancer survivors to stand to be honored, "this is what it's about tonight", explains Wynn. The applause was a victorious one. Wynn shortly turned the festivities over to the ladies, Maggie Rose is no new comer who's had previous success in radio, however this time around she's doing things her way. In repetition Maggie, Jana, and Lauren each perform, Maggie opened with "Fall Madly In Love With You" and "Mostly Bad" tracks that will be released from her debut album. Jana Kramer is most recognized for her role on the CW's One Tree Hill, however I must admit not a follower of the show, I apologize for my lack of One Tree Hill facts. Jana quickly recognizes the cause, "I want to thank you all for donating to this cause, it hits so close to home to me, the woman in my life my friend, she's a second mom to me she has battled with breast cancer, this song is for her and everyone who will never give up", this is "I Won't Give Up"."Ya'll are going to make me cry", Alaina points out to those in front, turning her head away through Kramer's performance, after. "Let me just sing now", Lauren protests. Lauren Alaina is best known from her American Idol days and although didn't win her season on the show has experienced more highlights and moments in the past year than those who are seasoned professionals. Alaina performs "The Locket" a track from her Wildflower album. Maggie quickly jumps into her next performance of her song "Put Yourself In My Boots" before sharing the story of her guitarist Kyane, his mother who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and currently under going chemo and radiation treatments. Following up with Jana performing her new single coming to country radio November 5th "Whiskey". "I'm only 17, I can't sing about whiskey, I will sing this song called "Tupelo", Alaina explains. "I love this song of your's", Kramer proclaims. The stories continue with Maggie explaining the story behind her song "Preachers Daughter" that has this swampy mystery murder vibe. For one if I go into further detail of the event, we'd have a novel on our hands, I'm just saying. The sisterly banter continues between Kramer and Alaina, in which the girls discuss the Dixie Chicks. "Have you even heard of the Dixie Chicks"?, Jana asks Lauren. "Yeah, I was 4"! Lauren proclaims laughing. Among the sisterly bantering Jana performs " I Hope It Rains" a track from her debut album, then to Lauren performing her newly released single "Eighteen Inches" who tells the audience how much it meant to have the song on her album, It's co-writer Carrie Underwood has taken Lauren under her wing the little sister getting taken care from Underwood's guidance. Maggie closed her performances with her new single now on country radio "I Ain't Your Mama", telling the audience you can find her on Twiter @IAmMaggieRose "I am Maggie Rose not @IAmMaggieRose", she chuckles as well to follow her on Facebook Maggie Rose, Maggie Rose Music. Jana closes her performances with the debut single that has put her on the country map "Why Ya Wanna". "I can't thank you all enough for the year I've had with this single, thank you WQMX, I can't thank everyone enough for making this what it is", Kramer so humbly explains. Lauren closed her performances with "Georgia Peaches" which leads to an impromptu dance on stage with some well deserving fans.
This was a night to remember and one many will remember, proceeds from this event will provide free mammograms for women and men who can't afford them. I can't thank WQMX enough for putting this event together for such a great cause, I too have been effected by breast cancer, as my own mother has survived breast cancer twice.
Thank you so very much Maggie, Jana and Lauren for coming to Akron, you will be well promoted and encouraged at Country Music City Promotions.