Saturday, September 1, 2012

CMT Listen Up With Casey James

In all honesty Casey James is living proof of hard work does get you to the top, that slow steady rise came at the right time and there are no complaints from James.  CMT has released a BIO meet Casey James, fans sure don't want to miss this listed here. Tune in and tune up for Casey James.
CMT Listen Up BIO Meet Casey James 

From CMT, Country Music Television CMT Listen Up with Casey James features a photo page, live performance and more. Visit CMT Listen Up with Casey James right here
CMT Listen Up Casey James


carolyn @jesssmom said...

#3 American Idol..#2 Billboard country charts...#1 in his fans hearts..forever Casey James. Casey James music rocks my world!

Unknown said...

I love Casey James such a gentleman and true talent and :)

Gail said...

I just seen him live and it was the BEST show ever!! The crowd was so into his music they stood through the rain and enjoyed every minute :) Awesome!!!